Missing Teeth Simpsonville

You Deserve a Complete Smile

Living without a full set of teeth can pose serious challenges to daily life. Whether it is the lack of self-esteem you feel when going to work, being unable to enjoy meals with family and friends, or finding it hard to speak clearly, these issues are often just the beginning of what can become a more problematic situation. To avoid additional bone and tooth loss as well as the potential for gum disease and facial collapse, contact Tylan Creek Family Dentistry to discuss our options for tooth replacement.

Why Choose Tylan Creek Family Dentistry for Replacing Missing Teeth?

  • In-House Dental Implant Placement & Restoration
  • CT/Cone Beam Scanner for High-Resolution Imaging
  • We Will File with Your Dental Insurance Carrier

Dental Bridges

When a gap forms as a result of one or more consecutive teeth falling out, you might consider a dental bridge. This time-tested solution combines two dental crowns with free-standing artificial teeth (pontics). Anchored into place using healthy teeth on either side of the gap, the bridge will restore the look and function of your smile.

Learn More About Dental Bridges


Missing a few teeth along an arch or an entire row may not be what you envisioned at this point in your life, but full and partial dentures can help you take back your oral health and confidence. Their durable bases and natural-looking artificial teeth allow for a newly restored appearance, but if a more permanent prosthetic is what you desire, you can always opt for implant dentures, which are held in place using custom implant posts instead of metal clasps or natural suction and denture adhesive.

Learn More About Dentures

Dental Implants

Viewed as the gold standard of tooth replacement, dental implants are highly versatile and can last decades if not a lifetime. Supporting crowns, bridges, and dentures, these prosthetics sit within the jawbone, fusing with surrounding tissues, to build a foundational base that allows for a greater bite force and optimal functionality once a new, customized restoration is in place.

Learn More About Dental Implants