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Why Do My Bottom Dentures Keep Falling Out?

April 6, 2023

dentures lying on a table

If you’re like many people, when you went through the process of getting your dentures you were probably amazed at how much effort went into their construction. Ensuring that your dentures fit you well is a part of the process, and a good dentist will spend a lot of time ensuring that the seal on your gums is absolutely perfect.

You might be surprised, then, if it starts to seem like your bottom dentures don’t fit as well as you would like. As it turns out, there are a few reasons that could be the case. Here are some examples and what you can do about them.

Why Won’t My Bottom Dentures Stay In?

If you’re having this problem, you aren’t alone—it’s common for denture patients to say that their top dentures have a fairly easy time staying in place, while their bottom dentures are a bit more mobile.

This may have to do with the lower jaw not being big enough to support the dentures. This can be a problem for top dentures too but is a bit more common on the bottom.

However, maybe the more common problem has to do with user error. When you talk and eat, it’s common for the tongue and jaw muscles to press against the lower teeth. You may not even realize that you’re doing it, but if you pay attention you might catch yourself accidentally pushing your bottom dentures off of your gums.

How to Help Your Dentures Stick

Many people compensate for loose dentures with denture adhesive, and that can be fine when used sparingly. However, if you’re really glomming it on, it may be a sign that you need to try something else.

It could be that you just aren’t used to your dentures yet and that you need to practice speaking in such a way that your bottom dentures won’t fall off. You should also take care to chew on both sides of the mouth to avoid putting too much pressure on just one part of your prosthetic.

If that doesn’t work, it may be that your bottom dentures need to be relined. Talk to your dentist about an exam; they’ll be able to look at the fit of your dentures and figure out whether a reline could help you.

About Our Practice

Have you ever felt like your dentist treated you as an afterthought? At Tylan Creek Family Dentistry, we will ensure that you’ll never feel that way. No matter who you are or what brings you to our office, we can guarantee that everyone on our staff will go out of their way to make you feel included at every step of the dental process.

If you have any questions about dentures, we can be reached at our website. You can also call our Simpsonville location at (864) 962-6671.