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Lost a Dental Crown? Here’s What to Do

April 26, 2021

person holding a lost dental crown on their finger

Today’s dental crowns are more durable than ever before. If you take good care of them, they can last for more than a decade! That said, it’s possible for a crown to come loose or fall off long before then, especially if you eat a lot of sticky or crunchy foods. Although a lost dental crown isn’t as urgent of a dental emergency as knocking out a tooth, you should still contact your dentist. Here are some tips for dealing with this potentially stressful situation.  

Should You See an Emergency Dentist for a Lost Dental Crown?

Just because your crown fell off doesn’t necessarily mean you need to drop everything and call an emergency dentist. In most cases, you can wait a couple of days until the next available appointment. However, there are some exceptions. Call your dentist immediately if:

  • The crown – or the tooth underneath it – has a sharp edge that could injure your tongue, lips, or cheeks.
  • You’re in severe pain.
  • You cannot remove the entire crown.
  • The crown creates a choking hazard.

If none of these situations apply, you should still visit your dentist within a week to have the crown reattached or replaced. Even if you’re not in any pain, avoiding dental treatment could leave your tooth vulnerable to sensitivity later on – in addition to decay, infection, or breakage.

What to Do Until Your Appointment

After calling your dentist and scheduling an appointment, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and desensitizing toothpaste to gently clean the tooth. If your crown is still in one piece but simply came off of the tooth, clean it as well and apply a dab of toothpaste to it. Carefully place the restoration back onto your tooth. A light suction should hold it in place until your appointment.

In the meantime, follow these tips to prevent further damage to your tooth:

  • Keep your mouth clean by brushing twice a day, flossing every night, and rinsing with a saltwater solution a few times a day.
  • Avoid chewing with the crowned tooth until after it has been treated.
  • Stay away from sticky or chewy foods and hot or cold foods that can cause or sensitivity.
  • Do NOT use super glue or any over-the-counter kits in an attempt to reattach the crown on your own.

Lost Dental Crown? Don’t Panic

If your crown falls off, just take some deep breaths and try to stay calm. Your dentist will know exactly what to do. They might be able to attach the crown back onto the tooth, but if it’s too damaged or old, you might need a new one. Rest assured that your dentist will combine their expertise and the latest technological innovations in the dental field to make your smile look and feel like new again!

About the Authors

Our experienced dentists at Tylan Creek Family Dentistry are completely dedicated to seeing you as soon as possible if you’re dealing with a lost dental crown. Not only will they do everything in their power to repair your crown, but they’ll also provide you with specific options to replace it if need be, ensuring that it restores appearance and function to your tooth for years to come. If you have recently lost a dental crown, contact our dental office at (864) 962-6671 or visit our website to schedule your appointment!