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Whitening Toothpaste and Teeth Whitening in Simpsonville Compared

October 18, 2018

woman smiling perfect teethStudies show that at a first meeting, at least a third of the people you encounter will notice the condition of your teeth before anything else. Thus, your smile imperfections could lead to a rash judgement. One of the more common flaws people have is teeth stains, and there are many products on the market that claim to effectively address them. Your dentist weighs in to compare one of them – whitening toothpaste to professional teeth whitening in Simpsonville. Read on to find out the results!

How Do Whitening Toothpastes Work?

Whitening toothpastes rely on added abrasives to lift surface stains from your teeth. The most effective kinds are those also containing a compound called blue covarine that works to diminish the yellow appearance on the surface of the teeth. While the results can be noticeable, they typically take two to six weeks to be seen and aren’t long-lasting.

Zoom into Professional Teeth Whitening!

When you visit your cosmetic dentist for professional teeth whitening with the Phillips Zoom WhiteSpeed method, there are several benefits that you’ll enjoy:

  • A Lasting Appearance – When your teeth are whitened by your cosmetic dentist, you won’t have to worry about any diminished results. Your aesthetic dentistry specialist also offers at-home whitening touch ups to ensure that you enjoy a lasting smile.
  • Guess Work Eliminated – Visiting your dentist for professional whitening also eliminates any guessing. Thus, you won’t have to worry about determining which toothpaste to buy or how often you should use it.
  • A Match for Tough Stains – When it comes to lifting tough stains, there is no equivalent to receiving professional teeth whitening. Using high-powered bleaching agents, your cosmetic dentist can brighten your smile by as much as eight shades.
  • Fast and Noticeable Results – Finally, you won’t have to wait weeks to see results from the in-office treatment provided by your cosmetic dentist. You’ll leave the office looking and feeling like a brand-new person in just one visit!

Protecting Your Smile

Even after undergoing the Phillips Zoom WhiteSpeed procedure, it’s still important to care for your teeth properly to maintain your results. Thus, you should be sure to limit your consumption of heavily pigmented foods and drinks like wine, tea, coffee and dark berries.

If you’re ready to give the stubborn stains and discoloration that have been plaguing your smile an eviction notice, then contact your cosmetic dentist in Simpsonville to schedule a visit today!

About the Author

A 1987 graduate of The Medical University of South Carolina, Dr. Darryl Halbert has over 30 years of experience practicing dentistry. Throughout his career, he has remained steadfast in his efforts to learn more and expand his skillset, which is why he’s received advanced training in several areas, including aesthetic dentistry. Dr. Halbert helps patients smile with confidence with teeth whitening at Tylan Creek Family Dentistry, and he can be reached for more information through his website.