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Keep Your Kids Healthy with a Children’s Dentist in Simpsonville

February 15, 2019

Young girl brushing her teeth

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month! Did you know that each year, children miss an estimated 51 million hours of school for dental related issues? Most of these problems are cavity or tooth decay-related, which is one of the leading health problems found in American children. Thankfully, your children’s dentist in Simpsonville has some tips you can use to keep your child’s mouth as healthy as possible throughout the year.

Schedule Their Routine Appointments

Routine checkups and cleanings are important to your child’s oral health as well as their development. The more positive experiences they have with their dentist, the more likely they are to maintain dental visits as they grow older. These appointments also protect their teeth from more serious dental problems. If a cavity is caught early on, it’s a simple fix. Prolonging treatment for tooth decay can often lead to root canals or more serious dental problems.

These appointments also give your kids an opportunity to receive brushing and flossing tips from their dentist. Children often respond better to other people giving them tips or telling them what to do instead of their parents.

Buy New Toothbrushes

Do you change your kids’ toothbrushes out every 3 to 4 months? Frayed bristles don’t give your children the full benefit of their brush, and old brushes can cause infection from lingering bacteria. When is the last time you changed your child’s brush out? Take them to the store and let them pick out a brush with their favorite superhero or princess on it. This will give them an extra incentive to clean their teeth twice a day!

Make Brushing Fun

When it’s time for brushing, do your kids fight and whine? Brushing may never be their favorite activity, or even yours, but it’s important to find ways to incentivize them to brush. You can do this by turning their oral health routine into a dance party! Turn on their favorite song and brush with them for their full 2 minutes. It’s not only a fun bonding activity, but this bathroom dance party will keep their mouth clean and healthy.

Cut Down on Sugary Snacks and Sodas

Kids love sugar, but it’s important to limit their intake of sweets. There’s a direct relationship with the number of cavities you have and the amount of sugar you eat, which is why it’s vital to stick with mouth-healthy foods. You can use substitutes like xylitol to give your children sweets without the sugar and replace their sodas with water. Most tap water contains fluoride, which is a natural cavity-fighting mineral that can protect their teeth.

You can practice these positive habits for Children’s Dental Health Month and year-round, too! Set your children up for oral and overall health success in the future by using these tips.

About the Practice

At Tylan Creek Family Dentistry, we have a team of experienced dentists who love helping smiles of all sizes. They enjoy the relationships they build with children while providing quality dental care. For any questions, they can be reached through their website or by phone at (864) 962-6671.