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Is Your Mouth Kissable? Get Prepared for Valentine’s Day with Your Dentist in Greenwood

February 2, 2019

couple kissing heart balloon

You prepare for Valentine’s Day by getting flowers, chocolates, and a card and making a reservation at your favorite restaurant. But are you ready to be kissed? Specifically, is your mouth ready? Everyone has bad breath every once in a while, but if you regularly have bad breath or buildup on your teeth, you likely have harmful bacteria in your mouth. That’s not attractive or romantic at all—it’s just unhygienic! Here are some ways, suggested by your dentist in Greenwood, that you can make sure you are completely ready to kiss the one you love this Valentine’s Day.

What Causes Constant Bad Breath?

The bacteria in plaque produces acids that not only attack teeth but also smell bad. If you don’t remove these bacteria, the smell can become noticeable and more consistent. Sure, you could cover it up with gum or mints, but the bacteria—or the cause of the problem—remain. The best way to get rid of bad breath is to get rid of the bacteria that cause it.

Floss Daily

You know you should do it, but do you floss once a day? Is it really that important? Actually, yes, it is. Brushing can remove a lot of plaque from your teeth, but its bristles can’t reach into the spaces between. If plaque sticks around, it can cause much more than just inconvenient bad breath. Plaque can also cause tooth decay or attach to your teeth at the gumline, which irritates the gums and can cause gum recession, an unattractive and potentially dangerous side effect of gum disease. Flossing is a small but significant way you can help prevent these conditions.

Visit the Dentist for Checkups and Cleanings

Every six months, you need to see your dentist for routine checkups and cleanings. Even with the most diligent brushing and flossing, the plaque that houses bacteria can build up over time. When it hardens into tartar, it becomes much harder to remove. Your dentist or hygienist uses professional tools and training to clean away this build up and make your teeth as good as new! By having your teeth cleaned regularly, you can prevent the bacteria in your mouth from causing bad breath and buildup.

Use Mouthwash

If you practice good oral habits already, you can also add rinsing with a fluoridated mouthwash to your daily routine. This mouthwash can strengthen your teeth and fight harmful bacteria that you might have missed with brushing and flossing. Plus, they often come in minty, fresh flavors!

If your bad breath is more than just a product of pungent food, you need to think about addressing the real cause. By getting rid of the bacteria in your mouth, you’ll not only have better breath, but you’ll also enjoy better oral health. You’ll then be ready to kiss your sweetheart this Valentine’s Day! For more information about bad breath and good oral hygiene and health, contact your dentist in Greenwood.

About the Practice

Tylan Creek Family Dentistry offers a wide range of dental services, including restorative, cosmetic, and preventive dentistry. Whether you need a routine checkup or full dentures, the six talented, experienced providers at Tylan Creek Family Dentistry can help! To schedule an appointment, call (864) 407-4455 or click here.