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How to Adjust to Life with Dentures

July 22, 2019

older lady smile

If you’ve lost several teeth, you already know how inconvenient it is doing simple things like talking and eating. You may struggle to pronounce certain words or eat some of your favorite foods. Don’t you think it’s time you had a solution to this problem? Fortunately, dentures in Greenwood provide several benefits for both the health and appearance of your smile. Keep reading to learn more about dentures in Greenwood and how to adjust to them.

How Can Dentures Benefit Me?

If you’re missing teeth, it’s best to replace them sooner rather than later. Besides problems with speaking and chewing, missing teeth can cause alignment problems and eventually pain in your jaw. Dentures can fix those problems while also providing the following benefits:

  • Customizable for a unique smile
  • Can be removable or fixed in place
  • Speak, eat, and smile with newfound confidence
  • Better oral health

How Can I Get Adjusted to Life with Dentures?

After living without any number of teeth, dentures can feel like a huge change. They may feel loose at first while the muscles of your cheek and tongue figure out how to keep them in place. You may be a little sore during this time, but that should subside after a few days as you grow accustomed to the way the dentures feel. You might also experience an increase in saliva flow, but that is just the mouth’s normal reaction to a foreign object. It should also fade away after a week or so.

Eating might be difficult at first. Start by cutting foods into small pieces and chew using both sides of your mouth at the same time to keep your dentures from tipping over. As you get more comfortable with chewing, gradually add other, larger foods to your diet. Be careful around very hot or hard foods, as they could damage the dentures.

Pronouncing certain words may give you trouble at first. Practicing saying these words out loud is the best way to combat this. If your dentures make a clicking noise while talking, speak more slowly.

If your dentures slip around when you smile, cough, or laugh, don’t worry. Gently bite down and swallow to reposition the dentures. If this doesn’t work, see your dentist in Greenwood. You may need a refitting.

How Do I Take Care of My Dentures?

To make your dentures last as long as possible, it’s important to follow these steps to take care of them:

  • Brush your dentures every day to remove plaque and keep them from staining
  • Soak them in denture cleaner when you’re not wearing them
  • Brush your tongue, gums, and palate every morning before you insert your dentures
  • Visit your dentist for a checkup every six months

As you can see, dentures take some getting used to, but the advantages they provide for your smile are well worth the adjustment period.

About the Practice

At Tylan Creek Family Dentistry, our team of 6 dentists treat each and every one of our patients like a member of their own family. We provide dependable and friendly care, no matter what your dental needs are. We also can fit you with a nice pair of dentures to give you your smile back. To get started, visit our website or call (864)-407-4455.