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Healthy Holiday Tips from Your Dentist in Greenwood

December 1, 2018

Woman with snow.

The holiday season is filled with fun, friends, family, and of course, delicious sweets and treats. Unfortunately, the holidays also cause fillings as well. Dentists tend to see an increase in cavities and decay around this time of year, but there are some ways you can keep your mouth healthy during this season of sugar. Keep reading to discover 4 easy tips on how to keep up good oral health for the holidays from your dentist in Greenwood.

#1: Balance Sweets with Mouth-Healthy Treats

Because it’s the holidays, indulgence is inevitable, but you can balance out your candy and sweet consumption with foods that are good tasting and good for your teeth. Nuts, cheeses, gingerbread, and peppermint items are festive, but they still won’t ruin your teeth.

You can also mix in crunchy fruits and veggies to counteract any indulgence that occurs. These foods are good for you, and they stimulate saliva flow which naturally washes away plaque and bacteria. If you’re going to treat yourself, just try to avoid hard and sticky candies that stay in contact with your teeth for a long period of time. These sweets put you at a higher risk of cavities and decay.

#2: Don’t Skip Your Routine

Staying in a routine during the holidays can be tough, but this is the time where your regular oral health regiment is most important. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss your teeth once a day to keep that cavity causing bacteria at bay.

For extra protection, finish off your routine with a rinse of mouthwash. This will leave your breath fresh, but it’ll also clean areas of your mouth that your brush and floss couldn’t reach.

#3: Be Prepared for Travel

Traveling to see family and friends can really get in the way of your oral health routine, but there are some steps you can take to care for your teeth on-the-go. Be sure to pack a travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss in your purse or travel bag. That way, you won’t miss a beat with your oral health routine.

#4: Consistently Drink Water

During the holidays, there are a lot of different seasonal beverages that are full of sugar. Instead of another peppermint latte, reach for water. Most tap water contains fluoride, which is a natural cavity-fighting mineral that can protect your teeth. Water can also help wash away plaque and bacteria that like to stick around and cause decay.

Use these tips to maintain good oral hygiene for the holidays. Once all the seasonal chaos has settled down, contact your family dentist in Greenwood to make sure you got through the holidays cavity-free.

About the Practice

At Tylan Creek, we have 6 dentists who each have a passion for helping patients smile. They believe in patient education, which is why they want you to know some easy tips on how to stay healthy during the holidays. For any questions, they can be contacted through their website or by phone at (864) 407-4455.