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5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Tooth Extractions 

December 6, 2022

patient with fear of tooth extractions scared at dentist

For many people, being told that they need a tooth extraction makes them pretty nervous. This treatment is feared by many patients since they expect it to be incredibly painful. Fortunately, tooth extractions aren’t nearly as bad as you would think. If you need some help making it through the procedure, continue reading to learn five tips that will help you overcome your fear of tooth extractions.

Tip #1: Ask Questions

One of the best ways to get over a fear of tooth extractions is to ask plenty of questions. This is because the fear of the unknown is a large part of why people fear this procedure. Your dentist will be happy to answer any questions you have. This should help ease your worries so you can go into the procedure feeling calm as well as comfortable with what’s being done and why.

Tip #2: Know Why You Need an Extraction

Another thing that will help you get over your fear of tooth extractions is to understand why you need the extraction in the first place. Extracting a tooth is usually the last thing your dentist wants to do, so understanding why this is necessary will make it easier for you to feel comfortable with the treatment. There are some cases when a tooth extraction is the only way to prevent further oral health issues, such as when you have:

  • A higher risk of infection due to a compromised immune system
  • A seriously decayed tooth that’s too far gone to be treated
  • Bite or alignment issues due to overcrowding
  • An injured tooth

Tip #3: Bring Someone with You

If possible, bring someone you trust with you to your tooth extraction appointment. This will help you get over your fear of tooth extractions in a few ways. for one, having a trusted friend or family member with you before and after the procedure will help keep you calm and give you something to look forward to. Additionally, if you are administered dental sedation that makes you feel drowsy, they will be able to drive you to and from your appointment.

Tip #4: Listen to Music

For many people, listening to music is a great way to help them clear their minds. This can be beneficial when it comes to getting over your fear of tooth extractions. Listening to relaxing music or a playlist of your favorite songs before the procedure can help put you in a better state of mind so you can remain calm throughout treatment.

Tip #5: Breathe

This may seem obvious, but make sure to breathe during your tooth extraction. There are certain breathing exercises that can help you feel less anxious. Breathe in for a count of four seconds. Then, hold for four seconds. Finally, slowly exhale for six seconds. This will slow down your heart rate and will also make your muscles relax.

It’s not uncommon to have a fear of tooth extractions, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything you can do about it. With these five tips, you should be able to overcome your fear so you can receive the treatment you need stress-free!

About the Practice

Tylan Creek Family Dentistry focuses on the physical and mental well-being of its patients throughout treatment. They offer a range of helpful procedures from three South Carolina offices so that help is easily accessible. Are you ready to make an appointment or do you want more information on tooth extractions? If so, call their Simpsonville office at (864) 962-6671, their Powdersville office at (864) 603-2200, their Greenwood office at (864) 407-4455, or visit their website.