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Do Stains Affect Dental Implants Like Real Teeth?

September 24, 2021

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You wore your new white suit to the all-you-can-eat ribs restaurant, what were you thinking?!

Okay, that’s a pretty ridiculous stain-related hypothetical situation, but it’s probably been done at some point in time. Dental implants can help you have a stellar smile and it’s not a stretch to think they could discolor based on your diet.

Do dental implants stain like real teeth? Keep reading to learn if your dental implants stain like real teeth and how to keep yours in pristine condition for years to come.

Are Stains a Threat for Dental Implants?

Most dental implants are comprised of ceramic porcelain, which is stain-resistant if the glaze on the surface is maintained. However, if you polish the implants with abrasive materials or treat them with acid fluoride, the surface can become rough and vulnerable to staining.

Clean your dental implants regularly with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a gentle toothpaste to prevent damage.

Even though dental implants that are properly maintained won’t discolor, the bonding material that secures them can, so staining may occur around the edges. If this happens, it will be necessary to seek polishing treatment for them from your dentist.

How Can You Ensure Your Dental Implants Keep Looking New?

To keep your dental implants looking new for 15-plus years, make sure to:

  • Care for your dental implants as if they are your natural teeth. Brush and floss twice each day in addition to rinsing with mouthwash.
  • Try to brush and rinse after every meal. When you eat or drink acidic items, you should wait 30 minutes or more before brushing because your enamel will be in a weakened state.
  • Steer clear of food and drinks containing tannins. Items such as tea, red wine, berries, and coffee can wear down implants and cause dark stains that can only be removed by a dental professional.
  • Don’t smoke or chew tobacco. Tobacco can give implants a yellowish or brownish look due to the tar and nicotine. Also, tobacco use can result in implant failure, which makes it necessary to buy new ones for reasons unrelated to appearance.
  • Avoid use of toothpaste that is highly abrasive. Many toothpastes can be highly abrasive to ceramic or porcelain dental implants. Ask your dentist about toothpastes or gels that will only clean the surface of implants and are nonabrasive.

Dental implants can help you attain the smile you’ve always wanted. They look like your teeth, but stain removal is done a bit differently. The key is to take good care of them so you can dodge issues like discoloration.

About the Practice

At Tylan Creek Family Dentistry, each one of our talented dentists bring education, training, and passion to collaborate and create great smiles for patients near and far. Instead of being sent off to see a specialist, rest easy knowing that we will provide comprehensive care in one trusted location. If you are interested in learning more about dental implants, we have an entire website page devoted to this service. To schedule a consultation, visit our website or call (864) 962-6671.