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Your Dentist in Simpsonville Reveals the Best Remedy for Missing Teeth

May 16, 2018

older woman preparing to eat appleFor far too long, you’ve been living without a full set of teeth. As a result, you’ve had to give up many of the foods that you love to eat, as well as endure a loss of confidence. Thankfully, there is a way to restore your life to the way it once was – dental implants from your dentist in Simpsonville. As you continue reading, you’ll learn about some of the perks of this process.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are surgically inserted posts that are usually made of titanium, a very sturdy yet biocompatible material. The posts are double-threaded so that one end can screw into the jawbone, while allowing an abutment (anchor) to be attached to the opposite end.

The abutment will allow either a crown (for a single tooth replacement) or a bridge (for two more teeth in a sequence) to be attached. With the implant acting as the root and the abutment anchored firmly to receive a prosthetic attachment, you have the makings of a very sound dental restoration.

Why are Dental Implants the Best Choice for Tooth Loss?

The fact that the base of your dental implant seats in your jawbone makes it the next best thing to your natural teeth and roots. The firm foundation that it forms leads to the following benefits:

  • You’ll enjoy a natural looking smile.
  • There won’t be any facial collapse, which means no wrinkles or premature aging.
  • Not only will you be able to eat the foods you had to give up, but you’ll also be able to fully taste them.
  • You won’t have to worry about any slipping and sliding, as is a concern when wearing dentures. That can be attributed to your implants being attached to your jawbone.
  • A final perk of dental implants in Simpsonville is that, with proper care, they can last for a lifetime.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

For the dental implant procedure to work, you must have enough healthy bone for the post to attach to. Unfortunately, when you have prolonged tooth loss, your jawbone produces less and less new bone cells as time goes on.

Therefore, it’s imperative that you not wait to have your smile restored. The process starts by you simply reaching out to your local dentist to schedule a visit. With that simple action, you’ll be on the road to regaining confidence and the full function of your teeth.

About the Author

For over 30 years, Dr. Darryl Holbert has been serving the Simpsonville community. A graduate of The Medical University of South Carolina, he has advanced training in several areas, including dental implants and sleep medicine. Dr. Holbert delivers compassionate and expert care at Tylan Creek Family Dentistry and can be reached for more information through his website.