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Dentist in Simpsonville Says to Practice Self-Care in 2018!

January 20, 2018

woman white teethEveryone has a new year’s resolution for 2018, but have you really thought of yours? Your friends want to travel more, learn a new language, but you’re ready for something simpler—yet still important: improving your self-care routine. This includes taking better care of your oral health.

If you’re really committed to bettering your dental health, you could be making one of the best changes to improve your overall health. Learn more about how improving your oral health with a dentist in Simpsonville can help boost your overall health this year in this week’s blog post.

Improve Your Smile for a Healthier 2018!

Health practitioners and dentists alike believe that oral health problems are closely connected to other bodily concerns. It’s best to care for your smile the best way you can to avoid these whole-body problems in the new year:

  • Increased risk of heart disease: Plaque and tartar buildup can cause gum disease which leads to holes in your smile from receding gums and missing teeth. This causes the arteries to build up with bad dental bacteria. There are many patients that suffer from blockage in the arteries, restricting blood flow and increasing the chances of experiencing a heart attack.
  • You may experience respiratory problems: Bacteria from infected teeth or swollen, inflamed gums can be inhaled into the lungs (or travel through the bloodstream as mentioned above), leading to pneumonia—a life-threatening sickness of the lungs.
  • Increased risk of developing diabetes: As mentioned above, your gums can recede and lead to many health concerns—even diabetes. Gum recession creates an increased chance of diabetes because it becomes more difficult to control your blood glucose levels when your bloodstream is exposed to everything in your mouth.
  • You could experience pregnancy complications: Expectant mothers with declining oral health are at a higher risk of delivering a baby with health concerns and a low birth weight.

Your Dentist Is Your Partner in 2018 to Achieve Better Oral and Overall Health

Are you committed to a better, brighter smile? If so, you need a partner in your oral health journey that is just as committed to creating strong, healthier teeth and gums like you. Your cosmetic dentist in Simpsonville will not only make sure that your smile looks the part, but most importantly, they will make sure that your teeth and gums feel healthy, too.

How? Keeping your regular preventive care appointments are key to maintaining a great smile. Your dentist will perform a checkup and complete a deep professional cleaning. This helps to spot any concerns early on and keep your smile free to plaque and tartar buildup.

You can easily practice your new year’s resolution when you have a dentist that supports your self-care improvement journey, starting with your smile!

About Our Office

Here at Tylan Creek Family Dentistry, we want you to know that you have a team that supports you in improving your health. Whenever you have a question, concern, or would like to schedule an appointment, you can always give us a call!