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Your Cosmetic Dentist on What to Eat After Teeth Whitening

April 2, 2018

portrait of a smiling womanGetting a professional teeth whitening treatment is a great way to brighten those pearly whites and rejuvenate your smile. Eating the wrong items right after whitening can create the opposite effect, though — you have to be careful to consume only white or light-colored foods and beverages right after each treatment. Keep reading to learn more about why, and which items should be kept off limits for the first 48 hours. Your cosmetic dentist in Simpsonville is in with details on the teeth whitening diet!

Why Teeth Are More Vulnerable to Stains after Whitening

We are pleased to offer our patients Zoom! Whitening, which is completed in the office in less than an hour. Zoom! can brighten the teeth by up to 8 shades in a single visit — and once the high-powered gel combines with the light to break through stains and discoloration, the teeth are more vulnerable to absorbing stains right after the treatment is complete. This will be true for the first 48-hours after whitening.

What to Eat (and What to Avoid) after Whitening

It shouldn’t be too difficult to identify foods and beverages that are likely to stain your teeth immediately after your whitening treatment. Anything that is highly pigmented — meaning anything that is a rich or vibrant color — will probably spell trouble. Skip your afternoon coffee, and try not to bite directly into ripe berries, steak, chocolate, and other dark/red items. Black tea, red wine, and dark soda can also cause excessive staining. If you smoke or use tobacco, you should definitely stay away for the first two days after whitening.

So what can you eat right after whitening? Protect your investment by sticking to white and light-colored foods in the first two days after whitening, like potatoes, chicken, fish, and water or white/green tea. Once this initial 48-hour period has passed, you can resume eating your regular diet without worrying about your teeth being extra-vulnerable to staining. Of course, limiting your consumption of these same items will help your smile stay bright white for longer.

Questions about Teeth Whitening?

Before your whitening treatment, your dentist in Simpsonville will talk you through all of the considerations to ensure you enjoy the maximum whitening results. If you have any particular questions about what to eat or what to stay away from right after your Zoom! Whitening treatment is finished, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team. As your trusted cosmetic dentistry partner, we are here to help you reveal the most beautiful smile possible with teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, or any of our other fantastic treatments.

Meet the Practice

The Tylan Creek Family Dentistry practice offers comprehensive dental care, including professional teeth whitening in Simpsonville. If you are interested in learning more about Zoom! Whitening and what you can eat to keep your smile white, we invite you to contact the office at 864-962-6671.