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4 Highly Common Dental Emergency Procedures

January 19, 2023

A patient suffering a dental emergency

As you might know, every dental emergency is different; each is as unique as the patient who has it. Given that fact, you might feel anxious about treatment’s unknowns. The truth, though, is that urgent dental care often uses standard procedures. Even if one issue differs from another, they can rely on the same solutions. To prove this claim, your local practice is here with some evidence. Read on, then, to learn four common services performed for dental emergencies.

Root Canal Therapy

Many dental crises stem from tooth damage from cavities, fractures, or infections. In such cases, dentists may treat the problem with root canal therapy.

Root canal therapy (or a “root canal”) removes a tooth’s decayed parts and nerves. In doing so, it takes out your infected tissue and eliminates dental pain. The result is that you get to keep your tooth!

Sometimes, a dentist will follow a root canal with dental crown treatment. The latter can help further restore and strengthen a damaged tooth. Should you need one, you’ll return to the dentist’s office for a fitting and crown placement.

Tooth Extraction

Of course, your tooth may be too decayed or damaged for a root canal. If so, your dentist may have to extract it.

As the name implies, a tooth extraction pulls a pearly white from your jaw. Simple ones are performed on visible teeth above the gumline. Surgical extractions, meanwhile, require an incision into the gum to get the tooth.

In general, you should strongly consider a root canal instead of an extraction. Having your teeth pulled can lead to costly dental implants later.

Tooth Reattachment

It’s not uncommon for patients to get teeth knocked out of their mouths. As such, some emergencies involve dentists reattaching a lost tooth.

In the reverse of an extraction, a reattachment places a tooth back in its socket. You can even perform the first steps of one by holding the chomper in the right place. Just be extremely careful – try not to bite down on it or move it.

Once you’ve rinsed and placed the tooth, visit your dentist quickly. They need to see you soon after your incident for reattachment to succeed!

Dental Fillings

While not always, toothaches and severe cavities can be emergencies. Therefore, dentists frequently use fillings for urgent care.

Fillings are materials designed to “fill” holes left by tooth decay. If you’re old enough, you may know that some labs make them from metal. However, the popular ones today are tooth-colored and blend seamlessly with their surroundings.

Ultimately, you can expect certain things from dental emergency care. So, remember the procedures above as you visit your emergency dentist.

About the Practice

Tylan Creek Family Dentistry is based in Powdersville, SC. Led by its talented team of dentists, our practice treats each patient like family. To that end, we perform high-quality procedures that span preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry. Our office even handles dental emergencies, fixing issues ranging from toothaches to knocked-out teeth. For more information or to book a visit, reach us on our website or call by phone at (864)-603-2200.