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4 Debunked Myths About Tooth Extractions

December 15, 2022

A dentist performing tooth extractions

Unlike other dental treatments, tooth extractions have a lot of myths surrounding them. That’s understandable — the idea of pulling a tooth can sound frightful, after all. Still, the truth is that an extraction isn’t a bogeyman you need to avoid. The procedure’s rumors are usually false; you thus shouldn’t hesitate to get it if you need it. To prove these claims, your Simpsonville dentist is here with evidence. Read on to learn four debunked myths about tooth extractions and why they’re untrue.

Myth #1: “Tooth Extractions Hurt”

One common extraction myth is that the treatment hurts. In particular, the view is that uprooting a tooth involves a lot of nerve pain. This sentiment is further reinforced by how extractions’ depiction in pop culture.

Fortunately, extractions don’t actually cause any pain. Your dentist will numb your mouth with an anesthetic before treatment. That way, you’ll only feel pressure and perhaps a slight needle prick.

Myth 2: “Extraction Recovery Takes a Long Time”

Since an extraction pulls a still-living tooth from its socket, you may think the recovery will be a long process. However, this belief is another unfounded myth.

In general, you only need 1-2 weeks for a tooth’s socket to heal after extraction. Furthermore, any post-treatment pain fades within days of the procedure. Therefore, you can recover quickly and return to everyday life as long as you follow the proper aftercare.

Myth 3: “Everyone Needs Their Wisdom Teeth Pulled”

Admittedly, dentists would often remove all a patient’s wisdom teeth in the past. (The thought was that the mouth didn’t have room for them.) Today, though, modern practices don’t think extractions are always needed for wisdom teeth.

You see, these back teeth can often erupt without any ill effects. This fact is especially apparent with patients who have extra space in their mouths. As such, you should consult your local dentist to confirm whether your wisdom teeth need removal. If the pearly whites aren’t an oral health threat, they may not require pulling!

Myth 4: “It’s Always Best to Extract a Damaged Tooth”

Some people think that an infected or damaged tooth should always be pulled. That said, this belief simply isn’t true.

As a rule, it’s always best to try and save a tooth — even when it has damage or an infection. Pulling it can have adverse effects on your oral health. Typically, then, a dentist will first suggest services like root canal therapy or a dental crown. They’ll only pursue an extraction when such alternatives aren’t available.

In the end, tooth extractions don’t deserve their bad rap. They only help patients’ mouths when performed properly. Keeping that in mind, never forget why the myths above are false!

About the Practice

Tylan Creek Family Dentistry is based in Simpsonville, SC. As led by its talented team of dentists, our practice offers gentle, respectful care. To that end, we perform high-quality preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments, including emergency dental procedures. Our office is even a certified provider of ClearCorrect invisible braces. You can thus count on us for your oral health needs! For more information or to book a visit, reach us on our website or call by phone at (864)-962-6671.