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A Brief Guide to Caring for Your ClearCorrect Aligners

March 8, 2024

a person holding their clear aligner and smiling

If you’ve chosen ClearCorrect to straighten your smile, you’re probably looking forward to seeing your beautifully transformed grin for the very first time. However, in order to make it to this special moment, you’re going to want to ensure that your orthodontic journey goes smoothly – and a large part of this is maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of your aligners. Continue reading below for a few tips concerning how to keep your ClearCorrect aligners clean and in working order so that they can do their job!

The Proper Way to Care for ClearCorrect Aligners

Here are a few sensible tips to keep in mind when it comes to caring for your aligners:

  • Take your trays out whenever you’re eating or drinking anything – the only exception to this rule is drinking regular water.
  • Rinse your aligners every time you remove them to ensure they stay as clean as possible.
  • Take your trays out each morning and clean both your trays and your teeth very thoroughly, since bacteria can settle during the night.
  • Soak your aligners once a day, either in a denture cleaner or ClearCorrect cleaning crystals. Once they’re done soaking, use an extra toothbrush (one you don’t use to brush) to brush off any caked-on food or plaque.
  • Maintain your oral hygiene throughout treatment by brushing and flossing daily, as well as keeping up with your routine check-ins.

What You Should Avoid Doing with Your Aligners

It’s just as important to avoid bad habits with your aligners as it is to practice good ones – here are some things you should be sure to not do once you’ve begun your ClearCorrect treatment:

  • Never leave your aligners out in the open; this is a sure way for them to sustain damage or become lost. Plus, when left in the open air, it exposes them to more bacteria.
  • If you’re a frequent traveler, you should always take your aligner case with you no matter where you’re going. When you aren’t wearing them, their storage case is the absolute best spot for them.
  • Never eat or drink anything while wearing your aligners, since this can stain, crack, or warp them if the item is hot.
  • Don’t brush your aligners using regular toothpaste or wash them using soap. Only use the appropriate cleaning solutions with them.
  • Don’t skip to your next set of aligners until it’s the correct time, even if you’ve lost your current trays. Contact your provider if you’ve lost one of your trays and they can tell you how to handle the situation.

The bottom line is that there are several things you’ll need to be mindful of throughout your ClearCorrect journey; though the treatment is much more convenient and comfortable than metal braces, it can still be jeopardized If you aren’t careful!

About the Practice

The team at Tylan Creek Family Dentistry has proudly served the needs of patients and families in the Simpsonville, Greenwood, and Powdersville communities for several years. They’re excited to offer a wide range of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic services, including ClearCorrect invisible braces. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to get in touch with the team to set up an appointment, feel free to visit their website or call them today for assistance. Simpsonville Office Telephone: (864) 962-6671.