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4 Services That Can Be Included In A Smile Makeover

October 17, 2019

collage of excited people smiling

Do you feel like your smile isn’t worth showing because so many flaws make it unattractive to look at? Having multiple imperfections that need to be fixed can make you feel like it would be a project for an entire team of dentists to get done. That’s actually not the case, a single cosmetic dentist in Simpsonville offers completely customized smile makeovers that can include several services to help you achieve the grin of your dreams. Read on to learn about four procedures that can be added to your treatment plan to help boost your self-esteem and refine your appearance.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are an incredibly versatile cosmetic solution that are custom-fitted to be placed over the visible portion of your teeth to make them appear completely flawless. They’re permanently placed on your smile to get rid of chips, cracks, gaps, misalignment, and severe discoloration. Over the course of three visits to your cosmetic dentist, you’ll notice that your grin will appear more beautiful, even, and complete than ever before. Plus, because each veneer is custom shaded and shaped for your mouth, they’re virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

Metal-Free Restorations

If you have restorations like amalgam fillings that are all anybody can focus on when you smile or laugh, it can really bog down your confidence. After all, you want people to appreciate your healthy smile, not zero in on all of your damaged teeth. Crowns, bridges, and fillings can now be made from natural-looking materials such as composite resin, ceramic, and porcelain to offer beautiful and practically unnoticeable treatments for decay and tooth loss. Because these are custom-fitted to your unique mouth, they’ll be like a natural addition that improves the function and strength of your bite.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Over time, your smile will naturally dull and become stained. You may try over-the-counter kits that make big promises, but you never seem to notice any differences, making you frustrated and left wondering whether you’ll ever be able to have a smile that you’re proud to show to friends and family. With professional teeth whitening, your dentist uses highly concentrated, tested, and proven products that can brighten your teeth by multiple shades in a single appointment. You won’t have to guess whether the products are safe for your mouth because they’re all approved by the American Dental Association and thoroughly tested!

Crown Lengthening

When you look at your grin, do your gums seem to cover the majority of your teeth? A smile that looks disproportionate can be a downer for some people and make them feel unattractive. If that’s the case for you, your cosmetic dentist may include crown lengthening in your treatment plan for your smile makeover in Simpsonville. They’ll remove a minimal amount of oral tissue to help you achieve a beautiful smile that’s a proportionate and attractive amount of teeth to gums.

Depending on the cosmetic imperfections that you face, your dentist will choose two or more of these treatments to include in your smile makeover plan. After the process is completed, your damaged teeth will be transformed from drab to dazzling, allowing you to feel comfortable showing them off.   

About the Practice

At Tylan Creek Family Dentistry in Simpsonville, we offer the services of several cosmetic dentists. Each of our professionals is highly skilled in transforming smiles while maintaining the health of teeth and gums. That way, our patients can have a grin that they’re proud to show off to their colleagues and friends. We offer completely custom-tailored smile makeover plans that take grins that harm our patients’ self-esteem and transform them into beautiful traits that they can feel proud of. For questions or to schedule a consultation for a smile makeover, visit our website or call 864-962-6671.