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4 Reasons to Get a Dazzling Smile Makeover in Simpsonville

July 16, 2019

When you meet someone for the first time, how do you greet them? Do you give a big grin that shows off your teeth, or do you keep your lips together? A lot of people are self-conscious about displaying their pearly whites, and as a result their tight-lipped smiles might come off as insincere. What’s something you want to improve about your teeth? Here are 4 reasons you might want a smile makeover in Simpsonville.

1. Chipped or Cracked Teeth

You might chip or crack your teeth when chewing on something particularly hard such as candy or ice. A broken tooth can be a dental emergency, but sometimes if the damage is minor enough, all you’ll really need to worry about are the cosmetic effects. Some chips and cracks can simply be polished to blend in with the rest of the tooth.

2. Discolored Teeth

Coffee, blueberries and other things that you eat and drink every day can stain your teeth over time, and sometimes brushing isn’t enough to get the level of whiteness you want. A professional whitening treatment can remove both extrinsic and intrinsic stains from the tooth’s enamel and brighten your smile by up to 8 shades.

Some forms of discoloration – such as that caused by age – can’t be corrected through teeth whitening. In these cases, porcelain veneers to cover the front of the teeth might be a better option.

3. Crooked or Misaligned Teeth

Whether it’s through genetics or excessive thumb-sucking early in life, sometimes your teeth don’t come in correctly. Porcelain veneers can sometimes be used for minor misalignment, but for more extensive corrections, you might want to consider clear braces such as ClearCorrect; these removable aligners are an image-friendly and often more convenient alternative to traditional metal braces.

4. Tooth Decay and Overall Poor Oral Health

A tooth weakened by decay might receive a crown in order to restore its strength and protect it from further damage. While some crowns are made of metal that stands out in the mouth, nowadays dental ceramic can be used to create much more natural-looking restorations. Many people won’t be able to tell the difference between the crown and the real tooth.

In general, poor oral health can also lead to cosmetic problems. Failing to brush regularly leads to discoloration; broken or decayed teeth can cause serious pain and other issues. Speak with your cosmetic dentist in Simpsonville about ways you can restore the appearance of your smile while simultaneously protecting your health.

There might be several cosmetic dental corrections you want to make; porcelain veneers can often be a good way to make multiple changes at once, but you should consult with your dentist and explain exactly what you’re looking for before deciding on a specific treatment. Make sure you have all the facts before starting your smile makeover!

About the Practice

At Tylan Creek Family Dentistry, our dentists have the training and experience to help give you the smile you deserve. We offer a wide variety of cosmetic treatments such as teeth whitening, porcelain veneers and crown lengthening. We also offer ClearCorrect as an orthodontic option. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call (864) 603-2200.